Ongoing Spotlight:
Trans & Nonbinary Translators & Authors

Full Playlist on Jill! Channel

Submission Deadline:
Rolling & Open!

Jill! is a virtual Women+ in Translation reading series that spotlights women, trans, and/or nonbinary translators or translators of women, trans, and/or nonbinary authors.


Jill! continues to seek out and accept work that fulfills our overall mission, we also want to specifically highlight the work of trans and nonbinary translators and authors as part of an ongoing series that began in 2023. If you would like to take part, please be in touch! We’d be honored to celebrate your work, be it in progress or published.

Outside of that parameter that either the translator or author (or both!) must be trans or nonbinary, what you read is up to you, as is the format of the reading itself. You can read novel excerpts, poetry, scenes from one-act plays, picture books, graphic novels, comics, YA fiction — or whatever work you might have that fits the bill. There’s a lot of potential to do exciting, out-of-the box things with virtual readings, and we welcome your creativity in this regard. Readings can be from published or unpublished translations, finished or in-progress work.

Scroll down to our general submissions guidelines for more information about suggested length, what we’ll need from you when you submit your reading, etc.

As this series is ongoing, we have no set submission deadline, but if you plan on submitting, we’d greatly appreciate it if you let us know so we can start to plan our posting schedule. We’re also on hand to answer any questions or concerns you might have: Just email us at jillreadingnyc[at], subject: [Your Name] Trans/Enby Spotlight.

How to Submit

It’s easy! Here are the basic guidelines:

  • Please email your videos (or links to Google+ / Dropbox / etc. files) to with the subject line: [Your Name] Trans/Enby Spotlight

  • Translations must be into English.

  • Either the translator or the author being read should be a trans or nonbinary person. 

  • The video should be about 5 - 15 mins total (20 max)

  • Please start by introducing yourself and the author you've translated, any background you want to share about the piece, and then a short reading in the original language and your translation.

  • When you submit your reading via email, please include:

    • a one or two-line quote from your reading that we can use as a 'teaser' on Instagram (Previous examples here.)

    • a one or two-line introduction to (or summary of) the work being read

    • your bio and the bio of your author (please include your pronouns)

    • your location/author’s location (optional)

    • title of the work being read

    • origin language

    • country/region reading/author hail from

    • the Instagram handles and Facebook profiles you and your author use, if either/both of you want to be tagged in posts when your video is published

    • links to published work, your website, or anything else you want shared alongside your video reading

FYI: We will add a Jill! info card at the end of your reading. No other edits will be made without discussing it with you first. Likewise, if we have any other concerns or questions about your submission, we’ll be in touch.

Videos are generally posted once a week on the Jill! YouTube channel in the order they are received, but exact posting timelines depend on a wide variety of scheduling concerns and factors. We will confirm our posting schedule with you when you submit.

We can't wait to see what you have to share: please share this call widely and with anyone you think will be interested!